Monday, November 1, 2010

this weekend, i've been cracking my mind and setting up myself for better work plan.. hmm.. im kinda lost myself this 2, dat's a lot of time i've been wasting...adeyhh.. ngokngek nye myself...aaaaaaa~ =(

during the weekend, i manage to force myself to prepare an abstract for ASEAN Australian Engineering Congress (AAEC). will know either the paper is accepted or not by 15 Dec. please oh please, be accepted..
TITLE: Treatment of Stormwater Runoff Containing Treated Domestic Watewater Effluent by Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland.

and i've been dealing with the editor of Malaysian Construction Research Journal (MRCJ) since last week. wish they would consider my work to be reviewed and published in that journal..please oh please, be published..
TITLE: Studies on the Application of Vegetative Swale for the Treatment of Stormwater Runoff from Construction Sites.

now i'm writing a full paper for a conference. the abstract has been submitted and accepted. this paper will be presented in Australia next year during the International Conference on Integrated Water Management (IWM). please oh please, be completed..
TITLE: The Treatment of Oily Wastewater by Biofiltration Systems.

dont forget your field work. nuh wetland nuh, siler take extra notes on that.
- rectify the broken pump;
- provide complete methodology on water sampling;
- run the wetland!!!

* it's november now...time flies so fast. dont even realize that it's nearly end of the year. Symposium is nearing. Dr Shark will most likely kill me.. urghhh~


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