Apabila Ibu Bapa Tidak Merestui Pilihan Hati
4 years ago
You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
eppy nye aku rini...da bli cadar baru...ya aaa...cadar baru untk life baru.... and as you can see, my new spreadsheet is completely different from my other sheets (dulu2 msh kanak2, ske yg cartoon or yg less matured...huhu)
sgt ske my new sheet...sgt2 ske... ^_______________^
it's so english country style right...waa..it's so lovely..can't wait to spread it on my bed and sleep on it...sedap nye tido2 on katil yg cumil~
eley...mcm la ko bole dtg..ktrg nk g wikday...leh henjoy~~~ yayayayay