i am someone who cherish loves a lot. families and friends are everything for me. i wish to see life in the most positive way it could be. after all, things happened for a reason right~ ^_^
this blog is created because i am sooo bored at home.. so, despite of texting or calling my frenz who r working out there, i write to share n cry out loud matters dat i wanna talk to them.. basically, i save a lot of hp credits.hahha
hahahah lawak gile ko..xpe..we'll see how it goes, ok? lgpun aku x knl sgt dgn die..berbalas sms 24jam pun belum kenal lagi..eh2 ape aku merepek ni? :D
dem shah..demmmm
|im blushing~~~~|
tp ko biasa dgr kan sape jadi org tgh, die yg slalu dpt? :D
n ko biasa dgr x, kalo jdh x kemane? :D
knl kan aku ngan die..pepandai la ktrg slg mengenali nanti.. ^_^