Sunday, August 9, 2009

7 'horray'days..hehe

korang pun tau kan,utp ttp sbb h1n1..aku lak, lepak je meronggeng sane sini..hahaha.. ringkas nye... aku ke KL - Port Dickson - KL - UTP - Cameron Highlands - UTP... seyesly, syok gile cuti-cuti malaysia neyh... =)
NOTE: blog da lame x update sbb sgt bz merendek n berjoli skan (smua trip di sponsor..hehe)

Kuala Lumpur - aku lepak KL ade byk reasons.. antara nye:
1. akak ipar aku da lame bising soh dtg tgk umah br drg, BERJAYA!

2. nk men ank2 buah yg encem n kiut miut tuh,

3. nk jmpe memember utp dulu (sebagaimane dlm list kat previous post)
NOTE: ade byk reason yg menyebabkan aku agk kecewa sbb xpat jmpe smua org.. AKU DEMAM!! DIORANG BZ!! =(

4. nak bli brg2 computer (speaker, keyboard, monitor).

Port Dickson - Along n kak sya arranged a family day kat Tiara Beach Resort over there.. such a great resort with water theme park.. aku xpat men all d slides coz x pkai swimming suit but then, aku g bantai slide kat area kanak2 berumpankan ank buah aku, 'aqil danial... heheh.. sgt gembira bermen air ...yippiey~~~~~ but then meals kat sane superbly mahal gile i.e., nasi ayam xde lauk ayam rm10, ABC cikai rm6, milo ais gelas kecik x bersuhu rm2, etc.

Kuala Lumpur - back to Kl...i got caught wif a very bad flu.. hidung meleleh2, bersin x brenti, pening2.. suare cam bapuk..hehe..mmg terlantar je la...after 2 days, g klinik..(takut gak kne h1n1 ke..hish..mintak jauh ler..) btw, doc said dat it was juz a flu n nothing to worry. so, makan ubat, minum air byk2 n tido!!! (mase dok KL aku rase bentuk muke bumi perut aku agk menggunung.. bahaye2~ ninong2~~~~)

UTP - sampai utp on thursday, at late midnite... kne wat screening test kat guard post. skang aku cukup takut dok dkat2 ngan org yg x sehat.. (aku sehat kah??=p).. next morning, hari yg agk malang bg aku..aku ade byk mende nk setel pg tu..coz kol 3, aku kne gerak for a camping trip kat Cameron Highlands..
1. seeking lecturers and head dept. for GA assignments. TIDAK BERJAYA LANGSUNG!
NOTE: smua lecturer yang aku cari g meeting or briefing or ape2 ntah..

2. amek form kat PG office.
NOTE: memule g opis tutup..haram tol ar..2nd time aku g br bukak.

3. submit surat rayuan saman kat JPSP.
NOTE: ade ke patut drg ade briefing dr pg samapi ptg, xde lnsg staff kat opis..wat letey aku je menapak

4. finding homestay/ hotel untuk ***r*.
NOTE: ni yg aku plg grm..otw g ipoh, smua smpg aku msk, crkan homestay untk die..aku tgh rushing neyh k!! mase soh cr, kemain lg ckp.."cr je, kan byr kan kan., " then, da jmpe hotel cun, seb bek aku call dulu nk btul2 kompem ngan die nk ke xnk.. .. bole die ckp "xpe la.. parents tido umh kwn drg" =[

5. beli monitor kat yik fong.

6. beli sleeping bag.
NOTE: kat taman maju xde, kat yik fong xde..then pp ckp kat tesco ade murah2..aku g tesco, xtau nak cari katne, aku tanye lak minachi neyh.." owh, sleeping bag?sini xde jual, xde2..sini xde jual la.." aku da blank, biar btul. aku contact guide yg bese nek gunung, die ckp kat tesco ler.. aku pusing punye pusing..x jmpe..last2, aku tanye je amoi srg neh.. rupe nye ade kat isle 'perkhemahan'!!!!! mangkok tol minachi tesco tuh..

7. assemble all my computers hardware.
NOTE: comp x hdp..sbb.. aku xtau kne ade CPU power supply cable..sgt la bodo ku rs kan..haiyh~

8. packing! g camping..
NOTE: aku sgt down ngan smua task d ats.. =(

Cameoon Highlands - fuuuh...bes gile kot camping ats yg x thn nye...sejukkkkkk~ sharian kelmarin, naik n tros turun Gunung Berembun..around 6 hours of walking, hiking, jumping n sliding.. trek bes gile.. it was such an exciting moments to explore the forest.. the smell of the trees, the fresh freezing air, the green mosses covering rocks and trees, the freaking roots growing everywhere... wow, everything was so incredible.. rase cam wat shooting LOTR tau...seyes aku x tipu beb.. =| <-- ini muke seyes!

- ptg td br je blk dr cameron highlands, XPDC cinta alam... camping sane for 3 days n 2 nights.. sejuk tahap cipan..badan letey, kaki sakit but hati eppy... tu yg plg penting kan.. sape kate xde ja'en kite xley hidup, kite xley eppy... aku rs, life is happier, lighter and less troubles w/o ja'en. hahahaha

p/s: if pics x ter'display', makne nye comp anda x rosak..aku mmg x upload lg coz dgcam kat abg2 aku..lalalala~


  1. Unknown said...
    hihi... ja'en tade mmg boleh hidup~ tp perempuan akan jd 'seram' ngn ko~~~ hahahahahahah =)
    kay-N said...
    tah~ley je idup..aku xkate pn xley idup..hahaha..tol2 seram ah~~
    AsmaFarah said...
    waty n kN: korang cam bace paragraph last je kan..kemain penat aku tulis dr ats ke bwh dgn penuh perasaan tau.. hahaha..

    btw, aku tanye je.. "sape kate..."? aku x tuduh sesape k.. =p

    ala korang neyh..ape nk seram2.. teruja sket dah ar.. hahahaha
    Along said...
    Siti ade blog! Yattaaaaaa! Buat la shoutbox baru meriah...
    AsmaFarah said...
    along: arh..tidak,tidak..along jmpe blog ct..xleh ar ngutuk2 along gini gak...hehe

    ct x reti nk letak shoutbox, letak clock pun x reti..besederhana je neh..hehe

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