hmm..i was assigned to assist Mr. M in the Engineering Drawing course.. basically i hav to giv tutorial to the students on how to use AutoCAD.. dont really know either i can still recall on this subject or not, but hope to b a pleasant tutor for them...for which i trust i can..hehe ^_^
ooooh~ esok is my first class...i think it would b an introduction between me and the students and the subject..hehe... (aku hrp aku xkan jd akak master yg annoying~~)
......xpat tulis pnjg2...need to study psl mende nih..(da g pnjm buku da, malay n english version, smoge cpt phm..hahah) n also nk kne intall d software...adeh, laptop zaman foundation nih, xtau la larat ke x support AutoCAD ... =p
---rasa ngantuk, perlukah aku, brg2 nk g klas esok pun x ready lg..haiyh---
P.F: on my way..wakkaka..xtau ler cane..cube wat yg terbek..caiyok..
p/s: pnt aku wat mke extra confident..akak master nih..hahha
miss? drg pggl aku akak koot~ huhu