Monday, February 15, 2010

tasik banding

date: 13-14 feb 2010
venue: tasik banding, perak

an unexpected outdoor activity... alen (d guy in the pic) gave me a call and asked me to go there because their geng is having a programme over there.. plus, die borim and seyes pujuk aku gile2 g, sebat je la..hehe

kinda crazy bcoz it took a 4-hour driving and half an hour of boat riding... gerak kol 1145 am and sampai2 je sane, tros g jungle trekking... the island was marvelous.. sgt grateful sbb sampai gak ke sane... malam tuh aku n iday terpakse masak2 untuk 40 org lebey student UPM.. nih program drg.. aku saje dtg nyebok and tolong2 ape yg bole....lgpon, mende free + relax in hutan, mmg favret aku!

malam tuh aku and iday lepak2 tepi tasik, tengok bintang..banyak sgt n sumpah canteq gile... kitorang tido atas feri.. sejuk tapi pretty syok..hihi

keesokkan hari nya berkayak and mandi manda di tasek spuas hati.. dalam tasik tuh 200m lebey ok.. mandi lam tasek hijau, takut.. tp belasah je, janji pkai life jacket... =)

ok la, saje je nk merapu..

hmm..bile nih nak nek gng..waawawa... sgt nk nek gng.. =p


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