Sunday, March 7, 2010

haven't met u yet.. is such a fuss to me... dont really know how to determine he's the one.. yup, 'kawan la dulu' kate smua org.. tp, it makes u think..if u dont really want it to get to some extent, why bother layan lebey2 in the first place rite...

dia hensem..tapi ade history jahat, die muda dari aku but again die ensem..hehe.. then dia da mcm jd baik, ntah seyes hint da bertalu2 walau aku da bertubi2 reject secara berkias...malas nk pk lebey sbb die ensem, xde makne die ske aku kan..kalo die ske pon, aku xnak la men anak2 ikan nih..huhu
status: pending

die erm..kurang baik gile..sgt baik and aku ske die the way he is.. die humble..umur, tua la jugak dari aku..die jenis pemalu, x pnah hint aku pape.. tp i juz can feel dat im someone to him (aku perasan giler! hehe)..still, die x pnah hint pape malas nak m'hrp lebey2..again tp, kenkwan die kate die tunggu aku.. (kwn die tipoo aku kot.hehe)
status: unidentified

die sgt ensem..sgt baik..sgt success...he's everything a girl dream of.. so, seyes xpat expect too much from die.. tp die pnah kate 'u r someone important in my life'.. die gak slalu kate die ske aku n syg aku.. xtau la mean it as what.. tp ktrg pnh ade history lovey dovey sket.. it was the sweetest moment ever..haiyh, dont really think im of his type...
status: terminated

i guess i haven't met the right YOU yet.. waiting patiently (sket lg nk hilang sbr.. ehhe) for YOU.. YOU, pls...jgn lmbt2 sgt k.. =p


  1. Unknown said...
    okay aku tau sume jwpn die..

    guy 1 nme die luulubay

    guy 2 nme die dadaluu

    guy 3 nme die kolokolo

    erm..rse2 nye btol dh ni..
    AsmaFarah said...
    haha... (mls lyn ko~)

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