Monday, December 28, 2009
oh btw, u guys nak tau x..both my sv.. dr N and mr M pun x balek2 lg after opis hour..drg sgt la bagus kan, kan.... so, kesimpulan nye, walaupun paper aku siap lmbt, still smpt submit to them by today (as per requested).. heheh~
and td mr M ade komen pasal my sympo paper yg anta kat die last week tp td die cam da lupe letak mane ntah...erm.. die nye komen la kan.. "there's a few grammatical error, and not as good as FRGS research proposal." oh, sgt eppi die komen sbb dr N da go through tp die ckp, "nothing much, everything is good..ok jer.."
yesterday i received an SMS from a friend:
aku bantai gelak jer..haiyhh..seyesly, da la xde balak..menyepi jer 2,3 thn nih.. bole lak ade org dgr cite aku nak kawen.. bln 3 lak tuh.. adeh..sebok, nak kne wat kad siap2 nih.. khemah n pelamin pun x book lg nih..hehe
k la, aku tgh updating blog nih kat PG workstation nih..rjn kan aku..da lewat2 petang pun dtg block lg...mane nak cari student cam aku nih... (actually sbb kat blk xde tenet..wakakka)
DA"aa'a''AAAA~ ^_^
Friday, December 25, 2009
using my rumet's lappy rite now.
wish to update on:
- ronggeng kak jah
- scandalicious
- gigi aka braces
- project ku
da lame x wat post yg ade pics..haiyhh
25dec2009..merry cristmas.. sy syg die.. =)
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tanpa bersolek atau memakai perhiasan lain di tubuhnya, kulit yang bersih, badan ramping dan roma mukanya yang ayu, tidak dapat menghapus kesan kepedihan yang sedang membelenggu hidupnya.
Dia melangkah perlahan-lahan mendekati rumah Nabi Musa a.s. Pintu diketuknya perlahan-lahan pelan sambil mengucapkan uluk salam. Apabila terdengar ucapan ‘silakan masuk’ dari dalam, wanita cantik itu melangkah masuk sambil kepalanya terus tertunduk.
Air matanya berderai ketika dia berkata: “Wahai Nabi Allah. Tolonglah saya. Doakan saya supaya Tuhan berkenan mengampuni dosa keji saya.”
“Apakah dosamu wahai wanita ayu?” tanya Nabi Musa a.s. terkejut. “Saya takut mengatakannya,” jawab wanita cantik itu. “Katakanlah jangan ragu-ragu!” desak Nabi Musa.
Lalu wanita itu memulakan cerita, “Saya...telah berzina.” Kepala Nabi Musa terangkat, hatinya tersentak. Perempuan itu meneruskan, “Dari perzinaan itu saya pun... lantas hamil. Setelah anak itu lahir, langsung saya... cekik lehernya sampai... mati,” ucap wanita itu sambil menangis sekuat-kuat hati.
Mata Nabi Musa berapi-api dan dengan muka berang, dia mengherdik, “Perempuan jahat, nyah kamu dari sini! Supaya seksa Allah tidak jatuh ke dalam rumahku kerana perbuatanmu. Pergi!” teriak Nabi Musa sambil memalingkan muka kerana jijik.
Mendengar herdikan itu, wanita itupun segera bangun dan berlalu dengan hati hancur luluh. Ketika keluar dari rumah Nabi Musa, ratapannya amat memilukan. Baginya, ke mana lagi hendak mengadu kerana apabila seorang Nabi sudah menolaknya, bagaimana pula manusia lain bakal menerimanya? Terbayang betapa besar dosanya dan jahat perbuatannya.
Tetapi dia tidak tahu bahawa sepeninggalannya, Malaikat Jibril turun berjumpa Nabi Musa. Lalu Jibril bertanya: “Mengapa engkau menolak seorang wanita yang hendak bertaubat dari dosanya? Tidakkah engkau tahu dosa yang lebih besar daripadanya?”
Nabi Musa terperanjat. “Dosa apakah yang lebih besar dari kekejian wanita penzina dan pembunuh itu?” tanya Nabi Musa kepada Jibril. “Betulkah ada dosa yang lebih besar daripada perempuan yang nista itu?”
“Ada!” jawab Jibril dengan tegas. “Dosa apakah itu?” tanya Nabi Musa lagi. “Orang yang meninggalkan solat dengan sengaja dan tanpa menyesal. Orang itu dosanya lebih besar daripada seribu kali berzina.”
Mendengar penjelasan itu, Nabi Musa kemudian memanggil wanita itu untuk menghadapnya semula. Dia mengangkat tangan dengan khusyuk untuk memohon keampunan kepada Allah s.w.t untuk wanita itu.
Nabi Musa menyedari, orang yang meninggalkan sembahyang dengan sengaja dan tanpa penyesalan adalah sama saja seperti berpendapat bahawa sembahyang itu tidak wajib dan tidak perlu atas dirinya. Bererti, dia seakan-akan menganggap remeh perintah Tuhan, bahkan seolah-olah menganggap Tuhan tiada hak untuk mengatur dan memerintah hamba-Nya.
Manakala orang yang bertaubat dan menyesali dosanya dengan sungguh-sungguh bererti masih mempunyai iman di dadanya dan yakin bahawa Allah s.w.t itu berada di jalan ketaatan kepada-Nya.
Itulah sebabnya Tuhan pasti mahu menerima kedatangannya.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
malas update blog
malas wat journal paper
malas wat research
malas pk itu ini
wahhhhh....xnak jd PEMALAS!!!
btw, i've started the process of gigi besi..
x-ray $200
cabut gigi $45
next week
cabut gigi $45x2
scaling $50
next next week
fencing (hehe) $1000
monthly installment $150
*2 years
$$$ kaceng2~~~ -_-"
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
- collect water sample
- do experiments
- prepare FGRS and sympo paper
- do experiments
- submit FRGS (completed 70%)
* PARTY jaa~
the day after tomorrow
- analyze data
- submit sympo paper (completed 0% -_-")
the day after the day after tomorrow
- go to dental!! 11.45am ^_^
Monday, December 7, 2009
hav to go to of my bff is in trouble, i mean a HUGE one!..ptg tuh, tetibe hujan lebat ms aku nak beli tiket..xpe ah..demi Y. luckily walaupun beli tiket last minute, there's still one for me. after maghrib aku shoot to kL.. arrive around 12.. Y amek aku, hav a big hug and g makan2 n lepak2 a while (till 2am..). gelak2 barai n all..sangat lame tidak berhuha sebegitu rupe. blk to rumah die n smbg pillow talk till 4am..erm, cant reveal the prob sbb it is a sentimental issue for Y.
what a lousy day...ktrg bermalas2 lepak dpn tv je and x mandi till 3pm..hehe.. waiting for N and then ktrg lepak midvalley. da lame x tgk muvi.. nak tgk 2012; cam bese full.. nk tgk phobia2; show lewat sgt.. nk tgk ninja assassin; seat la.. btw, ade je cite retreat.. tp bahaye2, kang Y ngamuk bakar panggung.hahah.. ktrg sgt lame kat counter coz xpat decide. ske ati je kan..hahahha.. and ksg is 12345. ktrg sgt insist untuk dok kat 234 although dak counter xnak kasi sbb kesian nanti kalo org nak bli 1 and 5 kne separate..ktrg ckp 'customer always right'. lantak la..janji ktrg puas ati..haha.
Y blanje wyg and N blanje aku pun blanje la popcorn..ok what~ hehe
the thing is, ktrg da msk cinema3 and erk ade laki dok seat 1 and 5.mmg drg pndg slack kat ktrg.. whtever.., then aku kuar sbb nk bli popcorn, skali aku slh kuar ikut pintu exit die yg kat ats tuh ..bongok+batak gile.dahtu ms aku tgh kompius, cinema sebelah kuar org ramai2...da la aku xleh bukak pintu tuh blk..aku lak x bwk hp sbb kalo bwk pon hp kong. so, just go wif the flow la kan.. haiyh.. sabo je la..
cpt2 aku jln cam org bangang je. da la control mulut kemut2 nak tahan gelak sbb sgt bodo! heheh. da beli popcorn, aku pun cpt2 la nk jmpe N n Y..nk dpn skali..trn tangge lam gelap slow2, aku neyh ratu tersadung tau.. =p. ok, da sampai row aku. aisey laki nih dok santai gile 'excuse me' kate ku sbb nak lalu dpn die smbl duduk ngan pantas nye kat seat ku and ckp 'ko tau N... ADEYHH'. aku terjatuh sbb lupe trn kan seat. dem. GELAP+LUPE+EXCITED sgt nk cite kat N n Y. malu gile... gile3 larh..... hahahhahah.. hampeh~
sah2 drg nyampah sbb ktrg da jd gediks bitch yg dok seat tgh n gelak guling2~ xpe... da lame x wat keje bodo... =)
Y yg msh lom stabil then involve lak ngan eksiden. she accidentally masuk a one-way lane. mase nak avoid a car coming dari depan, Y terlanggar a parked lori kayu.. kete x remuk tp cermin pint dpn blkg side kiri smua hancuss... im sorry for her..sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga lantas tercium taik ayam monn'ey~ means, busuk giler..hihi.. seyesly, aku blk utp pun still rs x sdp hati... Y tuh aku rs nak anta rehab jer. =p u go girl..have with u babe...
conclusion: things happen for a reason. sooner or later you'll know it. by right, God has something much better for u. and remember that life is a roller coaster ride. it's constant at first, going up and u r on top screaming excitedly, then falling down and make sick till u feel like puking but in the end, u get down with a smile as it gives u knew experience to remember. =)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
3pm-11pm = 8jam... yg bese nye patut 5 jam jer... =(
1. hujan lebat..jln plak lubang2..
2. tayar pancit - tukar tyre spare
3. beli tyre 2nd hand sbb x yakin ngan spare - tukar tyre lg
4. kabus kat cameroon sgt thick..bwk slow je
5. bwk baby..pandu cermat, jiwa selamat.. =p
maka...esk nk kne jg FYP presentation.. tu la gedik sgt nk tlg Dr. K yg xde kaitan lnsg ngan aku tp aku saje nk menggedik... (ni mama aku punye psl la soh aku berusaha cr jdh..tetibe slh kan sorryyy~ heheh)
Monday, November 30, 2009
apehal nak soh aku yg bli hadiah mhl2 just nak show of kat kwn die tuh.. pehal..da ko nak sgt.. ko ar bli kan...da ko x berkire sgt... ko ar bli, pehal nak pakse2 aku..konon nak kutip duit..ske ati aku ar aku xnak..watpe bg hadiah kat org yg bkn sesape pun bg aku... pastu kate aku nak what?! duit aku koot... aku bli brg beratus ke berpuluh ke.. WT...duit aku! bodo!! pehal nak sound2 aku..ske ati aku la aku nak saving and then hbs kan duit aku kat mane2 yg aku ske.. bkn nye aku saving nak bli hadiah kat die tuh...da ko nak sgt..ko ar bli kan...panas nye hati aku... duit aku, duit aku ar....!!!! bkn nye duit ko...ceh..
p/s: mende2 melibatkat duit aku sememang nye isu sensitip =|
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thus, here I am searching and studying the weather in KB for wed, my balik kampong day.. jeng3~ meh study samer meh..hihi
Now, note dat the cloud for wed is different from sat.. it is b’coz: Wed- overcast and rain and Sat- overcast with chance of showers. |malas nak further explain..too technical plak kang entry nih..sile buat2 paham k~| hihi
Wah….rabu nih overcast and rain. Seyesly luggage is such a NO-NO! n ohh..kne pkai slipa jepun neyh (maap jepun, gne copyright anda). hehe ..what if when I arrive there, it’s flooding over there..hoho.. (farah, sile cancel to dress up girlishly.. =p).
Conclusion nye…bawak backpack je and pkai baju selebek2 je nak redah hujan and maybe banjir.. why I said so? Sebab, sile tengok stesen bas di kota bharu di bawah ini…
p/s: xyah packing2 farah..bwk blk berus gg je k..hihi
Monday, November 23, 2009
In recent years, many of the waterways and lakes in the world have become enriched with nutrients, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus resulting in eutrophication. This has occurred due to the entry of nutrients from several diffuse and point sources of pollution (Jayaweera and Kasturiarachchi, 2004). There is also a greater need to identify possible contaminants found in stormwater that impact the receiving water quality (Makepeace D. K et al., 1995).
It has been found that after secondary treatment in a conventional sewage treatment plant, normally some 25-75% of phosphorus, 90% of nitrogen and about 10% of both organic matter and suspended solids remain in the effluent making it one of the main potential sources of pollutants to lakes and rivers. Thus, to remove nutrients and other pollutants effectively from wastewaters some form of tertiary treatment unit that is economical and easy to operate is necessary in the treatment stream, and CWs have the potential to provide such a method of wastewater treatment (P.R. Thomas et al., 1995).
Wetlands are among the most important links in the natural ecosystem (Shuh-Ren Jing et al., 2001). To date, the most frequent application of wetlands to a river system is for flow management (Zalidis, 1998; Chauvelon, 1998), and a little is known about using wetland to treat polluted river water (Green et al., 1996). Eventually, the enhancement of water quality by constructed wetland systems is increasingly practiced worldwide (M.A El-Khateeb et. al, 2009).
Filtration and adsorption of runoff through CW was found to be a cost effective treatment method for stormwater. The system could remove BOD and COD (71-75%), SS (85%), ammonia (17-24%), nitrate (65-80%) and phosphorus (13%). Moreover, the borehole samples have shown no groundwater contamination with nitrogen or phosphorus from the wetland system (P.R. Thomas et al., 1995).
This project will be applicable for the improvement of water quality in UTP lake where Masjid An-Nur is located. The issues of polluted water from the lake have been raised to the HSE Department’s concern particularly on the aspect of turbidity, color and odour which are affecting the aesthetic value of the lake.
The objectives of this research are:
1. To improve the water quality of stormwater runoff particularly in removing Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Suspended Solids (SS);
2. To propose a constructed wetland for UTP lake;
3. To determine the design criteria and optimum operating conditions for sustainable pollutants removal by wetland systems; and
Saturday, November 21, 2009
after makan, lepak2 and gosip2... tetibe lowhin ajak ktrg men Truth or Dare. da borim2, on je la...and masa lepak sane.. bf hud pun ade gak lepak ngan geng2 die kat mj sebelah sane.. tp, bantai je ktrg men gelak barai x hingat dunia.. part truth, mls ar cite.. soal hati..boring~~~ hihi. so, aku cite part DARE je k.. =p
HUD nye dare, minah nih kne dua kali dare..
1st - aku soh kiss pp bf die.. (sgt x bermoral).. tukar2, usap pp je la..hehe.. yang nih, die wat dr blkg je, so..xde org prasan sgt..xhaci2...
2nd - aku soh amek bunge and kasi bf die sambil ckp I LOVE YOU.. and oh, she did it.. mndpt sorakan dr mj kami and mj bf die.. die da dupdap2..segan siot..hehhehe

aku soh mintak no tipon mamat yg kat meja bf hud tuh...seyesly die wat ok.. tp die cakap kat mamat tuh aku yg mntk no phone die..hampeh..otak bergeliga gak si jaa nih.. ktrg 2-2 mj seyesly gelak tahap guling2..and aku seyesly segan nk mampus sbb jaa tunjuk2 aku.. siot tol. haha

n hell ya AKU pun kne dare.. ceh. before tuh kemain lg aku je asek kuar idea gile2 dare drg...=p
aku nye dare..tuh cam pic kat bwh nih..

and uncle tuh sgt baik bg direction yg begitu details..siap quiz aku balik and siap repeat balik .. hihi... was a blast last night..we had tonnes of fun.. laugh it to tears i must say..hahaha....
p/s: gmbr2 di atas hanye la untuk sesaje menyerikan blog.. da lame x letak pic. btw, mmbr2 aku especially **i* mls gile bc tulisan,so die akn tgk pic je..hamek ko.. =p lalala
Diceritakan di Hari Pembalasan kelak, ada seorang hamba Allah sedang diadili. Ia dituduh bersalah, menyia-nyiakan umurnya di dunia untuk berbuat maksiat. Tetapi ia berkeras membantah."Tidak. Demi langit dan bumi sungguh tidak benar. Saya tidak melakukan semua itu."
"Tetapi saksi-saksi mengatakan engkau betul-betul telah menjerumuskan dirimu sendiri ke dalam dosa," jawab malaikat. Orang itu menoleh ke kiri dan ke kanan, lalu ke segenap penjuru. Tetapi anehnya, ia tidak menjumpai seorang saksi pun yg sedang berdiri. Di situ hanya ada dia sendirian. Makanya ia pun menyanggah, "Manakah saksi-saksi yg kau maksudkan? Di sini tdk ada siapa kecuali aku dan suaramu." "Inilah saksi-saksi itu," ujar malaikat.
Tiba-tiba mata angkat bicara, "Saya yg memandangi." Disusul oleh telinga, "Saya yg mendengarkan." Hidung pun tidak ketinggalan, "Saya yang mencium dan menghidu" Bibir mengaku, "Saya yang merayu." Lidah menambah, "Saya yang berkata-kata" Tangan meneruskan, "Saya yang memegang dan menggenggam." Kaki menyusul, "Saya yang berjalan dan berlari."
"Nah kalau kubiarkan, seluruh anggota tubuhmu akan memberikan kesaksian tentang perbuatan aibmu itu", ucap malaikat. Orang tersebut tidak dapat membuka sanggahannya lagi. Ia putus asa dan amat berduka, sebab sebentar lagi bakal dihumbankan ke dalam jahanam.
Padahal, rasa-rasanya ia telah terbebas dari tuduhan dosa itu.
Tatkala ia sedang dilanda kesedihan itu, sekonyong-konyong terdengar suara yg amat lembut dari selembar bulu matanya: "Saya pun ingin juga mengangkat sumpah sebagai saksi." "Silakan", kata malaikat. "Terus terang saja, menjelang ajalnya, pada suatu tengah malam yg lengang, aku pernah dibasahinya dengan air mata ketika ia sedang menangis menyesali perbuatan buruknya. Bukankah nabi pernah berjanji, bahwa apabila ada seorang hamba kemudian bertaubat, walaupun selembar bulu matanya saja yg terbasahi air matanya, namun sudah diharamkan dirinya dari ancaman api neraka? Maka saya, selembar bulu matanya, berani tampil sebagai saksi bahwa ia telah melakukan taubat sampai membasahi saya dengan air mata penyesalan."
Dengan kesaksian selembar bulu mata itu, orang tersebut di bebaskan dari neraka dan diantarkan ke syurga. Sampai terdengar suara bergaung kepada para penghuni surga: "Lihatlah, Hamba Tuhan ini masuk syurga kerana pertolongan selembar bulu mata."
Firman Allah swt, "Demi masa, sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar berada di dalam kerugian, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, yang ingat-mengingati supaya mentaati kebenaran, dan yang ingat-mengingati dengan kesabaran." Surah Al-Ashr
Friday, November 20, 2009
but then, let juz face the fact dat im not ready for any relationship rite now. coz although i've been trying to involve in one, it juz doesn't get into juz doesn't blend wif me... maybe the fact dat i've been single for quite some times made me comfortable and felt breezy dis way; alone and free to do anything w/o any constraint.. i mean, come on, im free to be me!!! ^_^
but then, here comes mama in the pic.. if im not mistaken, every phone calls between her and me will end up wif "xde bf lg ke? xnak kenduri ke akhir thn nih?"
hoho....sori mom, im so far away from those things.. gimme some space for myself.. cut me some slack..i need to enjoy life and do things the way i want them to be happy at my state now..btw, i do hav several important frens dat always made my day or at least by thinking of our memories, i can curve a smile and live my life 'OK'ly... <-- ok is OKEY la kan..hehe
waken up be a call from mama-
"kucing kne rogol, da mati bunuh dr after termenung and x makan 2,3 ari + ank kucing berak atas katil + nak gi bomoh rantai emas yang hilang + ay ade rm1, bank in kan duit untk ay! + xde org bgtau ma bile2 blk raya + fais x bgtau pun blk lama + alg, kak sya.. x bgtau pun blk ngan ape + zu xbgtau pun kne g kL + ay x bgtau pun kne bli tiket bas or die blk uniten ngan ape"
=> abg2 ku..anda kne mrh..hihihi.. next time jd la cam adik nino nih.. center of information..hahah
Thursday, November 19, 2009
applying STIRF and FRGS (funds) for the project..
also preparing extended abstract and technical paper untuk conference next year tp kne submit end of this year..
kne wat sampling and experiments, tapi asek tangguh2 keje sebab skang sgt sejuk..maka aktiviti tido lg enak..hehe
and ohh, sangat cuak coz byk mende to think and also the symposium is nearing..
lalala.... |USAHA TANGGA KEJAYAN!!!|
Saturday, November 14, 2009
“Sini pun cantik juga. Warna unggu keemasan. Mana satu kita nak beli nih” balas Nabil.
Mereka sedang asyik mencari bahan-bahan untuk dibuat hantaran. Tinggal satu lagi yang masih dicari-cari iaitu AlQuran yang bakal dijadikan hantaran.
“Tapi, yang ni lagi best, ada terjemahan arab” keluh Jamilah.
” Ala , awak bukan reti pun bahasa arab” jawab Nabil. Tergelak Jamilah. Berbahagia rasanya dapat calon suami seperti Nabil. Prihatin.
“Apa yang saudara cari tu. Nampak seronok saya lihat” tegur pakcik berbaju putih. Jaluran baju ke bawah menampakkan lagi seri wajah seorang pakcik dalam lingkungan 40-an.
“Oh, kami cari AlQuran. Nak buat hantaran. Maklumlah, nak bina masjid”
sengih Nabil. Jamilah ikut senyum tidak jauh dari situ..
“Oh. Bagus lah. Adik selalu baca waktu bila?” pakcik menyoal sambil tersenyum.
“Aa… aa.. lama dah saya tak baca, pakcik” teragak-agak Nabil menjawab. Jamilah sudah di sebelah rak yang lain.
“Kalau gitu, tak perlu lah beli AlQuran kalau sekadar hantaran. Kesian ALQuran. Itu bukan kitab hiasan, dik” tegur pakcik berhemah.
“Alah, pakcik nih. Kacau daun pulak urusan orang muda. Kami beli ni nak baca la” tiba-tiba Jamilah muncul dengan selamba jawapannya.
“Oh, baguslah. Kalau gitu beli lah tafsir ArRahman. Ada tafsiran lagi” cadang pakcik. Mukanya nampak seperti orang-orang ahli masjid.
” Ala , besar lah pakcik. Kami nak pilih nih. Kiut lagi” senyum Jamilah mengangkat bungkusan AlQuran warna unggu keemasan. Saiznya kecil.
“Jangan lupa baca ya” pakcik dengan selamba sambil meninggalkan pasangan tersebut.
“Sibuk je la pakcik tu” Jamilah mengomel.
Nabil kelihatan serba salah. Mungkin ‘terpukul’ dengan kata-kata seorang pakcik yang muncul secara tiba-tiba.
Hari yang dinantikan sudah tiba. Mereka sudah bersolek. Hari nan indah..
Terlalu indah buat pasangan teruna dan dara yang bakal disatukan..
Nabil dan Jamilah tidak sabar-sabar menantikan ucapan indah tersebut..
Pak imam baru sahaja sampai..
“Assalamualaikum semua” ucapan salam Pak Imam bergema.
Nabil bagai hidup semula. Dirinya terkejut. Jantung bagai gugur serta merta. Mungkin tidak percaya apa yang dipandangnya dihadapan. Ahli-ahli keluarga berebut-rebut bersalaman dengan Pak Imam. Mukanya berseri-seri. Janggutnya putih. Jubah putih. Rambutnya ada yang berwarna putih.
“Inikah pengantin hari ini?” tegur selamba Ustaz Saad.
“Pak.. Ustaz.. kabar baik, pak… usta.. ustazz..” jawab Nabil mengigil. Jamilah juga terkebil-kebil melihat kelibat orang yang dikenali di kedai buku 2 bulan lalu.
“Oh, sebelum tu, saya suka mendengar bacaan adik Nabil. Mudah-mudahan kita dapat mengambil manfaat dari bacaan pengantin” cadang Ustaz Saad. Kelihatan orang ramai mengiyakan. Maklumlah, ustaz Saad merupakan antara orang dikenali oleh ahli-ahli sebagai penceramah tetap setiap hari Khamis selepas maghrib.
Nabil menelan air liur. Baginya inilah saat paling menyeramkan bagi dirinya. Peluh membasahi baju melayu satin berwarna putih.
“Ss.. su.. surah apa ustaz?” Nabil cuba mengagahkan diri. Jamilah masih melihat dari tepi tirai. Memegang kepalanya. Seperti mengagak benda yang sebaliknya berlaku..
“Oh, ayat yang mudah ja. Baca 3 ayat Surah ArRa’d” kata ustaz Saad sambil menunjukkan baris giginya yang putih hasil bersugi setiap solat mengikut sunnah nabi.
Surah Ar Rad
Surah Ar Ra’d
“Apa benda nih” detik hati Nabil.
“Bismillahirrahmaan irrahim.. ALL..MAA. . RIII..!!” berlagu Nabil.
Kelihatan gemuruh satu rumah pengantin perempuan. Ada yang keluar dari rumah menahan gelak. Ada yang mengeluarkan air mata menahan kelucuan. Ada yang menggeleng-geleng kepala. Ibu bapa Jamilah merah padam wajahnya. Jamilah entah ke mana, mungkin berpura-pura ke tandas.
“Baru ustaz tahu ada kalimah almari di dalam ALQuran. Adik Nabil, cara bacanya seperti begini : A’uzubillahiminnass yaitaanirrajim. .. Bismillahirrahmanir rahim.. ALIF.. LAMM.. MIMMM… RAA..” kedengar suara gemersik Ustaz Sa’ad. Orang ramai kelihatan ingin mendengar lebih banyak lagi alunan irama ALQurannya.
Nabil berasa seperti kilat menyambar kepalanya..
“Nabil, kamu jangan merendah-rendahkan kitab petunjuk iaitu AlQuran. Ianya hendaklah dibaca bukan sekadar dijadikan hantaran. Malah lebih malang perlakuan seperti ini seolah-olah menghina ALQuran. Beli ALQuran kemudian menaruh di tempat-tempat tinggi seolah-olah ianya sudah cukup bagi seorang muslim” tazkirah sudah bermula. Orang ramai memang senang cara penyampaian ustaz Sa’ad.
“Tinggi mana pun kamu belajar, tiada gunanya kitab yang tidak berubah ini tidak mampu kamu baca. Kitab ini pasti begini rupanya, ayatnya tetap sama, kedudukannya tidak sama. Malah, ketahuilah Allah akan menjaganya sehingga hari kiamat. Nabil, kalau kamu tahu orang-orang yang mengaku kitab AlQuran sebagai kitab petunjuk kemudian diabaikan dia pasti dilaknat oleh AlQuran itu sendiri. Tetapi beruntungnya orang-orangnya memanfaatkan AlQuran setiap hari, membacanya, menghafalnya, mengamalkan menjadikan hati terlalu tenang walapun dia bukannya seorang yang tinggi pelajarannya, kaya hidupnya dan sebagainya.. ” penutup Ustaz Sa’ad sudah dikagumi orang terutama yang mengikuti ceramahnya.
Hari semakin cepat berlalu.
Nabil sudah melalui hari-hari yang indah. Kitab ALQuran yang menjadi hantaran pertunangan sudah menjadi diari kehidupannya yang aktif setiap hari.
Pit.. Pit! Jangan lupa datang rumah ustaz malam nih. Kita belajar sama-sama. Jangan lupa bawa isteri sekali ya Nabil. SMS dari ustaz Sa’ad tiba. Jamilah senyum disisi suaminya, Nabil..
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda :
‘Bila seseorang lelaki itu mati dan saudaranya sibuk dengan pengebumiannya, berdiri lelaki
yangbetul-betul kacak di bahagian kepalanya. Bila mayatnya dikapan, lelaki itu berada di antara kain kapan dan si mati.
Selepas pengebumian, semua orang pulang ke rumah, 2 malaikat Mungkar dan Nakir, datang dalam kubur dan cuba memisahkan lelaki kacak ini supaya mereka boleh menyoal lelaki yang telah meninggal itu seorang diri mengenai ketaatannya kepada Allah. Tapi lelaki kacak itu berkata, Dia adalah temanku, dia adalah kawanku. Aku takkan meninggalkannya seorang
diri walau apa pun. Jika kamu ditetapkan untuk menyoal, lakukanlah tugasmu.. Aku tidak boleh meninggalkannya sehingga aku dapati dia dimasukkan ke dalam Syurga.’
Selepas itu dia berpaling pada temannya yang meninggal dan berkata,’Aku adalah Al-Quran, yang mana kamu membacanya, kadang-kadang dengan suara yang nyaring dan kadang-kadang dengan suara yang perlahan. Jangan bimbang. Selepas soal siasat dari Mungkar dan Nakir, kamu tidak akan bersedih.’
Selepas soal siasat selesai, lelaki kacak mengatur untuknya daripada Al-Mala’ul A’laa (malaikat dalam Syurga) tempat tidur dari sutera yang dipenuhi bauan kesturi
Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda :
’Di hari pengadilan, di hadapan Allah, tiada syafaat yang lebih baik darjatnya daripada Quran, mahupun dari nabi atau malaikat.’
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
hate thinking a lot
not sure of my doing
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
29oct2009 - aku bertemu dengan sahabat lama ku; awangku kasman.. banyak cerita yang kami kongsi bersama.. maklum la setahun lebih kami tidak berjumpa. chatting dan email pun kenkadang je sebab masing-masing pun sibuk. aku gembira gile bile mendapat buah tangan dari nye; body care product from victoria's secret dan juga toblerone size XL. kemudian terjumpa paan di KLCC dan kami semua sambung melepak di chilli's. seronok jumpa kawan yang dah kerja, banyak rupanya mende yang aku tak tahu. lepas dinner, aku dan kasman jumpa aiman dan nina. kami supper kat restoren munir; restoren yang tiada menu dan makan/minum yang pelik2 tapi sedap.
|kasman is a fren of mine who likes to introduce me to something new and classy. with him, i knew Secret Recipe, Chilli's, San Fransisco, Starbucks, G200, OU, Pavilion and many more...and oh, aku mmg budak kampung for which xtau all those things..he is also the one who inspired me a lot..|
31oct2009 - aku bertemu dengan pipiey pula. dia nih kawan baik aku sejak aku mula2 masuk utp. dulu aku suka aka crush dengan dia (hehe) tapi sekarang kami memang boleh jadi kawan baik je. dia ambik aku dan kami lepak di Sunway Pyramid. oh lupa nak bagitau, dia da ber'risik' dan bakal bertunang jan2010 dan bakal kawin jun2010. awek dia dulu free hair, sekarang da pakai tudung..bagus kan.. awek dia pun baik je ngan aku, kira nye pipiey memang suruh dia menerima kenyataan yang aku nih kawan kbaik kesayangan dia..hahah
|pipiey is someone i know i can share everything with.. he is a good listener but not so good in giving inspirations..but still, i know i can reach him whenever i fall into pieces and i know i can count on him..|
3nov2009 - hmm...aku keluar dengan L (seseorang yang aku masih belum kenalkan kepada sesiapa). kami menonton wayang bersama. malangnya aku tersilap pilih movie yang saiko. sangat malu terjerit2 dan terlompat2 bahana takut dan terkejut. sebelum L pulang ke kL, dia sempat membelikan aku sepasang crocs rm2++ dan sekuntum bunga. sangat terharu tapi kami masih di peringkat berkawan lol~
7nov2009 - aku menonton Cuci The Musical di Istana Budaya dengan L. harga tiket yang L beli mahal gile rm1++ . sudah ku berpesan agar dia beli yang murah2 je.. oh ye,theatre itu sangat best, bak kata omputeh 4 thumbs up!!! itu la kali pertama aku menjejak kaki ke Istana Budaya. sudah lama aku ingin menonton theatre akhirnya impian ku menjadi kenyataan. terasa sangat2 gembira. terima kasih L~
TODAY - jiwa terasa kosong. ntah di mana silap nya aku pun tak tahu. seharian aku hanya berada di katil (tipu la tuh, aku turun katil la jugak untuk semayang dan makan). bergelumang dengan masalah jiwa sangat membebankan. aku sudah lupa semua perasaan2 ini. arghh... benci2~ lantas, ingin sahaja aku mengambil jalan mudah.. ingin sahaja aku berlalu pergi.. ingin sahaja aku meninggalkan semua ini...mungkin semua ini hanya mimpi.. mungkin..mungkin.. =|
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
keep thinking of the crazy thing
roling back and forth
still cant sleep
cant even hibernate my brain from thinking
resulting to a non-cheerful early morning for me
NOTE: farah!!! wat keje! wat research! baca journals! cari books! gambate!!!!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
damn cant believe i did that
but the damnest thing is dat i kinda loike the thing in dat crazy thing i did sooooo crazy mranzy yanzy panzy
me: reminding myself not to like it!!! *sighhh~
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
dear along,
sowi to inform dat "aW poOpOo~~" on ur bed..
my fault LonG..mama kata da lame gile drg x u'uk on ur bed.. then,bile i got back and check in to ur bedroom, those kittens grab this opprtunity while i left the door ajar and poOpOo like they never did before...banyak and busuk and erghhhhhhh......damn pissed me off..
btw, da bsh da LonG...hihi
p/s: xtau la nape kucing ske poOpOo dalam bilik AlOnG kan?!..sigh~
Friday, October 23, 2009
mmg da written in my life maybe...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
gonna gimme some break from all this fuzzy wuzzy research..
will depart after lab geo..
(aku lab demo a.k.a tutor yg berkaliber, tidaklah aku memonteng klas untuk pulang semata-mata..hoho)
to do list for next tuesday:
1. jaga test ED 9-11
2. draft letter to PMDU (as-built drwg and peta topo.)
3. site visit to the lake
4. mark paper SA (bringing it home tp xtau la akn bersentuh ke x..hihi)
gerak lu~~ yeay.... ^_^v
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
oh..ngumpat2..lupe lak.. the problem wif him is dat, each time i get my gtalk online, he will be the first to say "salam, how are you? how's your family?" or "lets hav a drink"<--- this would be okay for once or twice being asked. but then what if 5,6 times a day???? sooo annoyed you know. if aku offline, x sampai 24jam, sure i'll get a call from him...aku tau die concern, tp..i need space for myself..pls3~~~
but of cos, aku lyn je ar die 'okay'ly..x bek wo x lyn kwn..maybe he is of different nature than me.. so, mls nak emo lebey2. tp, there were times where i juz blew off and scolded so sorry my dear fren..hahahah
and again i got a fren.. he's from K (hint: a state in malaysia). nih type laen sket... he's someone who will not ask but just gimme orders such as "dinner on me..jom" or "g maple jom. i lapa." or "i teringin gile makan piza" or "jogging jom.i wait for u" or "nak men rollerblade la" <---- fyi, aku mmg akn tolak coz malas laa nk entertain smua2 nih.... aku byk lg keje2 len..
but then he's just the pushy kind... mmg aku in the end terpaksa agree je and go on je and layan je la ape yg die nak... malas nak dgr die bla3..rimas2!.. seb bek everything on him... kalo aku kne kuar duit gak, mmg sah2 aku berkire.. =p (and hello, aku berkire gak sket2 coz time consuming la kuar sane sini..). but seb bek muke ensem..hihi~
note: mereka bukan lah skandal aku..juz some good frens, okay!=)
p/s: guys...please dont be pushy!!! sgt rimas k.. (btol x korang?! hehe)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
so, bole x, if aku tulis main point je.. =p
1. research aku da msk stage where i hav to conduct lab experiments. aku hagak bengang bile FYP student aku cam ade je excuses for not doing the labs.. da la water sample pun aku yg most of the time amek kan.. hello... it should be me yg amek ur results bukan nye u take mine..
emosi : marah
2. ptg smlm me and sarina (kwn skolah rendah aku yg eventually masuk utp and now da final sem) kuar ipoh..tgk cite PAPADOM..two thumbs up bebeh..seyesly... then g makan kat black canyon (LAGI!) .. despite of die slh amek order aku and service yg agak slow.. the food is still ok la and of cos their tomyam is still the best (kecur lak aku rs..haha..)
3. my rumet da blk kg dis morning..bilik bakal bertambah sunyi... btw, aku pun akan gerak to rawang-melaka-kl dis, lets shalalalala bebeh~
emosi : tak tentu arah
4. *sighhh... yg nih aku xpat reveal lg.. tp, sgt menyesakkan saluran jantung ku.. da cam ade blockage stage 3 da chat ngan my fren for the sake of consultation, but then aku x hbs lg cite, die da offline.. she has works i guess... dear God, giv me some me some signs...i need ONE rite now..please~
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

well, azie and inaz actually 1 skolah mase form 1 till 3... so, kire nye bile dpt masuk utp blk nih, reunion la...then zue tu plak 1 skolah ngan azie ms form 4 to 5 and also jd rumet azie ms mule2 msk utp.. and mereka ber'3 dok melaka...inaz slalu la ajk aku g lepak blk drg, makan2, gosip2 and even hang out mane2 ntah aku pun da, aku ms tuh mmg cam melukut di tepi gantang or cam debuan yg menanti ditiup angin.. sgt fragile~ T_T
so, that was the beginning of our great friendship..full of laughters and tears (a bit..hehe). 5 tahun woo ktrg stick to the same roomate.. tabah kan..huhu~
seyesly, aku sgt rindu kamoo2~
and i even love the fact dat i'll be meeting him by the end of this month..
to be precise, on 29 oct 2009! =)
he was (or is?) a great friend of mine who inspired me to be someone much better than i thought i am..
cant wait to meet up and hav a long chat...
XOXO >_<
Monday, October 12, 2009
..i hate it when people treat me like craps..
....i love her and i dont expect this in our friendship...
-situasi tegang-
Sunday, October 11, 2009
story 1
i got a fren named cempaka who is pursuing her studies in KU. she met a guy named AP over there. a cute one i hav to admit! that guy has been flirting wif her...cheat-chatting, late nite messaging, sudden surprise wherever she's there, and too much of sharing-is-caring...
then, one late nite while smsing..
cempaka asked him "msg mlm2 nih, gf x mrh ke?" ayt bese la nih nk tau org tu ade gf ke x
..AP replied "xpe, awek jauh kat m'sia"
demit..maka, all dis while..AP hanya flirticious ngan cempaka.. n up untill now pun msh cube mengekal kan theme flirty2 itu..kesian cempaka tgh saiko2 skg..siap nk nangis lg over someone she knew several+few days..yela kan..die ingat kan ade la bibit2 or putik2 bunga yg bakal menguntum.. ape kan daya, t'salah tukang kebun daa~
story 2
(kesah mawar terpaksa di delete untuk menjaga sensitivi kaum sejenis ku..hehe)
note: dont really know what to comment bcoz i never experience it.. but im wondering, why on earth they like flirting and making pompuan len perasan, walhal drg bole je flirt ngan awek drg tuh kan.. one thing i can say.. drg saje nak TEST POWER!
Friday, October 9, 2009
sgt hepi arinih
maybe sbb da jmpe sv..da clear the air dat i thought was hazzy..
note: im sooo good in acting brilliant although im completely not..miahaha
maybe sbb da email him..i've told him what i thought of telling him..
note: i put a condition. dont really know he will accept it or not.. sigh~
maybe sbb da WEEKEND!!!!
(-_-) (^_-) (^_^) (^o^)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
maybe because of my project..i can sense something ungood (this is not even a word..hehe) going on wif my sv..
maybe i got jealous when he favors her the most..
maybe it's me who not focus enough in doing my project..
but i think..
maybe F told my sv about 'the story' and God knows what he's been thinking all this while..
maybe because of somebody (who had been far far away) suddenly make an appearance in my life..
maybe i think too much when he asked me out..
maybe i should make a pass as he once ignore me and hav fun wif someone else while im stumbling wif craps and shits (maybe he didnt even knew what i've been through) ..
but maybe i can just say yes and let things get going as if nothing had happened..
maybe then we can hav fun like we always did..
after all, he will not always be here..
aku pun da xtau nak pk pe...
my heart, pls shut up and let me do my works!!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
"lol, comey.. muke same cam AK...cara die senyum..sebijik!"
the same thing happened before...cuma quote die len sket..
"muke sebijik cam AH..padan la ko ske die..part mate same giler"
do i like someone because he resembles him???
Monday, October 5, 2009
3oct - i went to KL.. sampai KL sentral around 12, and jmpe AZIE.. damn i miss you bebeh.. we talked about an hour je coz i needed to go somewhere else..krg imagine le, sejam lebey je.. tp ktrg sempat je update smua mende..hahahahah.
..and ohh this is the day where my bro IS and i went to lanchang for a mission..jeng3~~
4 oct - wanna visit some of my relatives over in KL (cik ma g PD, kak miza g kedah.. only cik nah je kat umah). da lama x jumpe drg, i thought it would be awkward but then we juz be there as if it's our house..huhu~ seske ati menghuha and makan2...and it turned out i spent a night over there..
5oct - pulang ke pangkal jalan... =)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A weird love story has come out of China recently and managed to touch the world. It is a story of a man and an older woman who ran off to live and love each other in peace for over half century.
Over 50 years ago, Liu, was a 19 years-old boy, fell in love with a 29 year-old widowed mother named Xu. At the time, it was unacceptable and immoral for a young man to love an older woman.
To avoid the market gossips, the couple decided to elope and lived in a cave in Jiangjin County in Southern ChongQing area.
In the beginning, they had nothing, no electricity or even food. They had to eat grass and roots they found in the mountain, and Liu made a kerosene lamp that they used to lighten up their lives.
Starting the second year of living in the mountain, Liu began, and continue for over 50 years, to hand carve the steps so that his wife could get down the mountain easily.
A half century later in 2001, a group of adventures were exploring the forest, they surprisingly found the elderly couple and the over 6,000 stairs of hand carved ladder.
“My parents loved each other so much, they have lived in seclusion for over 50 years and never been apart a single day.” Liu MingSheng, one of their seven children said, “He hand carved more than 6,000 steps over the years for my mother’s convenience, although she doesn’t go down the mountain that much.”
The couple had lived in peace for over 50 years until last week. Liu, now 72 years-old, returned from his daily farm work and collapsed. Xu sat and prayed with her husband as he passed away in her arms.
So in love with Xu, was Liu, that no one was able to release the grip he had on his wife’s hand even after he had passed away.
“You promised me you’ll take care of me, you’ll always be with me until the day I died, now you left before me, how am I going to live without you?” … …
Xu spent days softly repeating this sentence and touching her husband’s black coffin with tears rolling down her cheeks.
In 2006, their story had became one of the top 10 love stories from China, collected by the Chinese Women Weekly. The local government has decided to preserve the love carved stairs and the place they lived as a museum, so this love story can live forever.
me: sgt terharu......but..haiyh, sgt jeles dgn pompuan itu..
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
rak cd - "ssh nak pos"
frames - "da ramai org kasi nih"
towel - "typical ar wei"
shelf - "da habis stock?! ceh"
couple shirt - "xde yg cantik"
steel container - "ehh..cantik la, tp ape neh? egg holder?? err.."
pictures - "x bes yg scenery, aku ske abtract"
wall clock - "rm1++ ?? mhl gile"
periuk - "ssh kot nak pos"


Thursday, September 24, 2009
my dear friends and stalkers, a very good night i bid to all. today, i would like to make a speech entitled:-
"Why Do We SHOUT?!"
'Why do we SHOUT instead of speak when we are ANGRY?'
All the students thought for a while. One answered
'Because we lost our cool. That's why we SHOUT.'
Asked the professor again,
'But the person is just right next to you, why can't we talk softly but have to SHOUT?'
Everyone gave their opinions but none was accepted by the professor.
Lastly explained by the professor
'But as we SHOUT, we get ANGRIER.. And we felt we drift apart further. So we SHOUT even louder...'
'It is the opposite when we are in LOVE. Not only we do not shout, we whisper into each other ears. Why?'
'This is because our hearts are very close, almost never apart. As our love deepen, we reach a state of communication where there is no need for words.'
'We understand each other well enough just by exchanging look,'
concluded the professor.
'Therefore, when we are arguing, DO NOT speak words that will make our hearts drift apart. WAIT a few days. When you feel your hearts are no longer far apart, pick up the conversation and continue from there.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
this morning, i was waken up by an SMS from someone who i thought will never be in kamus hidup ku... actually i hav deleted his number.. a bit puzzled to remember the owner of that SMS but still i can recall the 2-digits at the end of his number...dat SMS from him triggered al ot of buried memories in my head..argh...i hate dat feeling.. it felt so uncomfortable to remember the past dat put me in a complicated situation.. been thinking a while, should i reply or not..i dont wanna hav any relationship wif him, not even as a friend..dang~ i deleted d SMS while my heart said "i never forgive u, not now"
done wif that!!
.........then around 12pm, my hav-been-sick-for-a-long-time granny on my dad side passed away.. dont know what im feeling while receiving d news.. we did pay her a visit las nite after knowing she's been unconscious for few days... well, i juz arrived home 5 minits before bukak puase yesterday and mama also told me dat she's been sick 1 day before only..btw, my granny and me..ermm... we are not so close, i mean.. wif all my siblings i think.. maybe because we seldom do anything together.. im not so sure who's fault is that... but the point is, i feel nothing over this thing.. *sighh <--- x baik kan?! =|
ok la...wanna do house chores.. my house is kinda been in a mess.. n esok da raya la beb.. chow lu~~
Friday, September 18, 2009
Im sitting here all by myself
just trying to think of something to do
trying to think of something anything
just to keep me from thinking of you
but you know its not working out
cause your all thats on my mind
one thought of you is all it takes
to leave the rest of the world behind
I didnt mean for this to go as far as it did
and I didnt mean to get so close
and share what we did
and I didnt mean to fall in love
but I did
and you didnt mean to love me back
but I know you did
Im sitting here trying to convince myself
that your not the one for me
but the more I think
the less I believe and then the more
I want you here with me
you know the holidays are coming up
I dont want to spend them alone
memories of x-mas time with you
just kill me if Im on my own
and I didnt mean for this to go as far as it did
and I didnt mean to get so close
and share what we did
and I didnt mean to fall in love
but I did
and you didnt mean to love me back
I know its not the smartest thing to do
we just cant seem to get it right
but what I wouldnt give to have
one more chance tonight
one more chance tonight
Im sitting her trying to entertain
myself with this old gutair
but with all my inspiration gone
its not getting me very far
I look around my room and everything I see
reminds me of you
oh please baby wont you take my hand
we got nothing left to prove
I didnt mean for this to go as far as it did
and I didnt mean to get so close
and share what we did
and I didnt mean to fall in love but I did
and you didnt mean to love me back
but I know you did
and I didnt mean to meet you then
when we were just kids
and I didnt mean to give you chills
the way that I kiss
and I didnt mean to fall in love
but I did
and you didnt mean to love me back
but I know you did
dont say you didnt love me back
cause you know you did
no you didnt mean to love me back
but you did